Join the Envirostall Revolution
Better for Your Horse,
Your Pocket, and the Planet.
Introducing Envirostall, the future of stall maintenance that will revolutionize your equestrian experience. Envirostall is a groundbreaking solution that transforms horse stall maintenance while putting environmental stewardship at the forefront.
Every equestrian knows the challenges of maintaining a clean, safe, and healthy stall environment. Dirty, moist stalls cause health issues like respiratory ailments and hoof problems. Uneven or non-supporting surfaces cause undue joint stresses. From the labor-intensive cleaning to the mounting bedding and waste disposal costs, the traditional methods can be as enduring as a cross-country race.
Envirostall is a patented bio filtration system that removes urine and impurities from your stalls and converts the contaminants into water and harmless gases before they enter the ecosystem and atmosphere. The system remains level while providing a comfortable, yet supportive foundation for your horse.
With Envirostall, see a drastic reduction in bedding and waste disposal costs by up to 75 percent, and labor and veterinary expenses decreased by as much as half. Luxuriate in an odor-free barn, protected from bacteria, viruses, and rodents—without forgetting the pivotal hours saved in your day.
Envirostall doesn’t just provide superior stall solutions—it hands back the reins to horse owners. More time for rides, less time on rakes. More comfort for your equine partners, and peace of mind for you.
The Benefits of Envirostall
- Reduces bedding, waste disposal, labor, and veterinary costs by up to 75 percent.
- Helps eliminate contaminates in your stalls that cause hoof problems, respiratory ailments, and other health issues.
- Provides a level surface, reduces stress on your horse’s joints, and prevents hock sores.
- Extends stall life by alleviating urine rot.
- Eliminates odors naturally.
- Mitigates bacteria, viruses, mold and mildew.
- Helps rid your stalls of rodents and the problems they cause.
- Spend more time enjoying your horse instead of working for them.

How Envirostall Works

Envirostall’s multi-layered, patented system uses bioremediation to clean and neutralize urine contaminants from horse stalls. Envirostall absorbs horse urine through our Envirofilter, a one- piece layer of water permeable, geotextile material that filters horse urine and other impurities out of the stall and into the Envirostall system. The urine then continues through our Enviromat, an anti-fatigue layer of matting that provides a comfortable surface for your horse. This layer greatly reduces stress on your horse’s joints and the potential for hock sores.
The urine then settles in a layer of Envirolyte, a stone aggregate capable of absorbing 120 percent of its body weight in urine. Our EPA-approved, proprietary microbes are released into the Envirolyte where millions of these microbes digest the impurities changing them into water and harmless gases.

The water then flows back into the soil as clean water per EPA groundwater protocols. As long as you keep a horse in the stall, these tiny bugs will thrive and multiply. They will continually work to clean and neutralize impurities from your stalls.
With Envirostall, your stalls are virtually pristine reducing the health risks to your horses and you. You can have confidence in knowing that your stalls are sanitary and your stable is the healthiest environment possible for your horses.
Envirostall: Saving Our Environment

A problem facing the equine industry, and agriculture in general, is how to minimize the emission of nitrous oxide (N2O) into the earth’s atmosphere. Nitrous oxide is a potent and long- lived greenhouse gas. Although a small component of the earth’s atmosphere, nitrous oxide is nearly 300 times more effective at trapping heat than carbon dioxide. In addition, nitrous oxide stays in the atmosphere for over a century.
Most nitrous oxide is produced by naturally occurring micro-organisms acting on nitrogen introduced to the soil via livestock urine. By removing the impurities from horse urine before it enters the ecosystem, Envirostall prevents nitrogen, phosphates, carbon, and other chemicals from being released into the environment. This reduces the production of nitrous oxide and the impact of this greenhouse gas on the earth’s atmosphere. The system also minimizes hydrocarbon gases, controls odor, and prevents pollution from organic waste, including antibiotics, chemicals, and pathogens that enter the soil through untreated dissemination of horse urine.